
The Baptism of Christ

The Transfiguration of Jesus

The casting out of demon into swine

Saint Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus - ''Saul Saul why do you persecute me?''

Dante's Paradiso - 4th sphere of heaven - the Sun

Crucifixion - He died for our sins, descended into hades, and rose again from the dead 

Resurrection wallpaper around the Upper Room at the last supper realized at His Ascension

The feeding of the 5000, Manna and quail, Jesus walks on water

The Ascension of Jesus Christ and The New Jerusalem

Wedding at Cana - Water into Wine Miracle

Immaculate conception

Going high 5

Methadone withdrawal

Meeting with a psychiatrist 5

Love and Trust go for a walk

Handing your self over to the Father Son and Holy Spirit

A horse and cat meet their maker in a dream

A horse and fox meet their maker in a dream

Jealousy and trust

Portrait of a blue man

A nose for blowin' and a nose for showin'

The virgin Mary lovingly communicating with a dog

My wife in heaven

Changing the weather with your mind 6 miles up

Hospital Saint Vitus Dance Control

Garden of Eden Package Tours

A Danish Hunting Scene

Bad weather crocodile / milk-woman

The Devil fishing

The raising of Lazarus

Medication Time - with yellow cross

Going High (no. 5)
A message to Himself

Still Life with blue fish

Ezekiel s vision 

The Hypnotic Effect 2 (2010)

Meeting with a Psychiatrist (no. 4) 

A fox and cat meet their Maker

The Hypnotic Effect 3 (2010)

Outer body experience with some foxes

Outer body experience 2

The Hypnotic Effect 1 (2010)

Paranoid Schizophrenia 4

Not the Last Supper

The Human Condition 

The Schizophrenic Gate

The Crucified Psychiatrist 

The Fragmented Mind

Medication Time (no. 3)

Meeting with a Psychiatrist 

Methadone Withdrawal 

Still Life with Paranoid Lemon

Paranoid Schizophrenia (no. 3)

Paranoid Schizophrenia (no. 1)

Russian Psychiatry

Visiting Time at the hospital 

The Hypnotic Effect 1 (2003)

The Hypnotic Effect 2 (2003)

The Hypnotic Effect 3 - (2003)

Manic Depression 

Handing yourself over to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1)

All Alone